By Andrew Gould 7 January 2009Noun. plurk (pl??er-kh) ��� A really snazzy site that allows you to ?�showcase the events that make up your life in deliciously digestible chunks. FULL STORY >
By Thomas McKinnon 7 January 2009Comicbrush lets you mix stock artwork from their collection of comic backgrounds, characters and props with photos of your friends, neighbourhood or school. FULL STORY >
Teachers TV
By Andrew Gould 27 November 2008Teachers TV is the digital channel for anyone who works in schools. FULL STORY >
By Andrew Gould 27 November 2008This funky site lets you star in a short clip based on the new series of Spooks, Code 9, and join the virtual fight against crime and terrorism. FULL STORY >
By Andrew Gould 27 November 2008Wigadoo is a simple idea that can save you hours of hassle chasing friends trying to get a group together for an event or party and sort out money. FULL STORY >
Obsolete Computer Museum
By Andrew Gould 27 November 2008Obsolete does not necessarily mean out of mind. Even though your first PC, be it a ZX Spectrum or any 386-based PC, may now be redundant you probably still remember the machine fondly. FULL STORY >
The End of the Internet
By Andrew Gould 27 November 2008Speculation has been rife over the last 10 years as to what would happen if you Googled Google. Some say that such a search could potentially cause the entire destruction of the web and Internet at one fell swoop. We took it upon ourselves to discover the truth. FULL STORY >
Yearbook Yourself
By Andrew Gould 31 October 2008Probably not, but you���ll never know unless you���ve been there, done that and got the photo. Yearbook Yourself (, is a great app that allows you to do just that. FULL STORY >
By Andrew Gould 31 October 2008Broody woman, stalkers and whipped men unite! Make Me Babies is a ?�website which claims to show you what your offspring, with a particular partner, could look like. FULL STORY >
By Andrew Gould 31 October 2008It is common knowledge that mobile content is generally a waste of hard earned money, especially the kind that ropes you into a subscription which you inevitably have to pay to unsubscribe from. There in lies the problem. We all want to utilise the entertainment features on our cell... FULL STORY >
Galaxy Zoo
By Andrew Gould 31 October 2008If you were a star gazing geek who dreamt that you���d some day fill the rather large shoes of Galileo, but are now feeling terrible for letting the old telescope gather dust, then Galaxy Zoo is the ideal ?�excuse for bathing in the light of the moon once again�Ǫ or rather in the... FULL STORY >
The falling sand game
By Andrew Gould 3 October 2008The Amazing Falling Sand game ( is so much more addictive than you may think at a first glance. FULL STORY >
By Andrew Gould 3 October 2008This poor chicken was part of a (now ?�forgotten) ad ?�campaign, but is still attracting a lot of attention ��� and rightly so. FULL STORY >
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